Chemical Sign Selector
Now It's Easy to Find the Signs You Need for the Chemicals You Use.
Chemicals commonly found in many workplaces require a variety of signs or labels to identify their potential hazards. But defining which signs to use for each chemical is a challenge. This Chemical Safety Sign Selector will show you relevant signs for many common chemicals.
Depending on your operation, you may need signs addressing hazards and health risks, required PPE, handling procedures or transportation instructions as required by regulatory bodies including OSHA, GHS, NFPA, DOT, DOD and more
NFPA hazard diamonds
GHS labels
Hazmat warnings
PPE notices
DOT placards
Pipe markers
Emergency information
And other warnings indicated on the SDS

Select the Chemical Safety Signs You Need in 4 Easy Steps:
1. Search by chemical name, CAS Number, UN Number, or choose the first letter of a chemical name from our A-Z pst.
2. Select your chemical to see signs, labels and pipe markers for that chemical.
3. Choose a sign to see details and pricing.
4. Pick your quantity and go! Just add the item to your cart and continue shopping for each new chemical sign you may need.
How To Use Our Chemical Sign Selector Tool:
Chemical Safety in the Workplace
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that hundreds of private industry workers die from exposure to harmful substances or environments every year, including chemicals and other biohazards. In 2017, these hazards contributed to 37,110 nonfatal injuries/illnesses involving days away form work. The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) defines a hazardous chemical as any chemical which can cause a physical or health hazard, and requires employers to communicate these hazards to workers. has developed a variety of chemical safety resources that help explain chemical safety sign rules and requirements, including resource bulletins and articles on the Globally Harmonized System (GHS), NFPA 704 hazmat diamonds, hazchem identification, aircraft hazmat, pipe marking standards, Department of Defense (DoD) Fire Division requirements, and much more. Use the links below to learn more about chemical safety sign requirements.