Safe Schools Week: Use the Right Signage in Schools

Each year, state-level government leaders and the National School Safety Center (NSSC) work with school superintendents and other members of the education industry to promote Safe Schools Week. Both professional and public organizations and officials support this endeavor, raising awareness about keeping school staff and students safe.

The Date for Safe Schools Week

As an advocate for secure, safe and peaceful schools, the NSSC works tirelessly to provide resources, information and training services to school communities and their safety partners worldwide. It selects the dates for Safe Schools Week, with the following already published for the next few years.

• October 15-21, 2023
• October 20-26, 2024
• October 19-25, 2025

The third week in October, running from Sunday to Saturday, is the official designation for the awareness event.

The Goal of Raising Awareness

This special week set aside each year hopes to empower staff, students, administrators, and others to proactively create a safe learning environment. While the focus will vary by institution, the underlying goal is to generate conversations and develop strategies that address the school system’s safety risks.

For the most comprehensive strategies to evolve, the discussion must involve anyone involved with the school system. School safety ideas need to be on an individual, community and institutional level, which is why there is a wide range of people to be involved in strategic planning. Key input and considerations should include:

• School board members
• School employees
• Students and parents
• Community residents (including senior citizens)
• Service groups
• Business leaders
• Community representatives like law enforcement, government officials and media representatives

Open and transparent communication during Safe Schools Week between these groups will foster a sense of respect and trust in the effectiveness of a school's safety program and its focus.

The Focus of Safety Precautions

When considering school safety, it’s much more than addressing the threat of gun violence or bullying. Because of the significant and devastating impact these issues have on an entire school system, these are often the focal point of safety strategies. However, schools also need to consider the daily activities that could potentially lead to injuries or harm to students, staff, parents, visitors and more. Comprehensive school safety plans should include signage in schools since these are instructional elements that serve as directions or instructions during particular emergencies or events.

One particular area of focus should be the safe transport, drop off and pick up of students. Traffic congestion, bus schedules, dark mornings and rainy weather are just a few of the concerns that can lead to child safety concerns during a school day. Many schools address these risks with adequate lighting, roadway markings, reduced speed limits and school zone signs. While on the property, teachers and administrators rely on school crossing signs to drive awareness to motorists on the road.

Support Safe Schools Week

During Safe Schools Week, you can actively make a safer environment for your children and those of the community. ComplianceSigns, LLC carries a wide range of quality signage for many organizations, many of which support safety from the playgrounds to the classrooms across your campus. Order your signs today.