5 Reasons You Should Be Using Flap Tags

dusty workplace

One of the most important, but least talked about, aspects of a successful safety program is communication. It’s one thing to put safety measures in place, but if you don’t communicate properly, it can throw everything off. Think about it.

It’s important to have the proper PPE, right? But, that doesn’t do a lot of good unless you have signs and markings telling your workers which areas require PPE to be worn while working in them. It’s also vital to do safety inspections, but if you don’t communicate when an inspection was done and by whom, it leaves too much open to confusion. 

One of the most efficient and reliable ways to communicate simple safety messages is by using safety tags. There are at least six kinds of safety tags that you should have in your facility. But no matter what kind of tags you use, they’re only good if you can read them. Things like moisture, dirt, and even chemicals can harm your tags, making them hard or impossible to read. That means they can’t communicate their important safety message. 

Luckily some genius invented Flap Tags™ — and we can think of five good reasons why you should be using them. 

What are Flap Tags?

Flap Tags™ are an improved safety tag. Instead of being made of paper, cardboard or any other one material, they are made from durable materials and then protected with a clear adhesive flap. That flap serves as a barrier to dirt, moisture, chemicals or most other condition of the elements that could render your tag impossible to read.

5 Reasons You Should Upgrade to Flap Tags

All in all, Flap Tags are an upgraded version of your regular safety tags. They’re more durable, customizable, and, in the end, safer. Here are 5 reasons why you should consider upgrading your safety tags to flap tags:

1. You Can Write Your Own Safety Message

With blank Flap Tags that come in a variety of colors, you can create your own message in the language that your employees understand and still be OSHA compliant. You can use a pen, a marker, or even print off a sticker label with the exact wording you want to get your message across. 

2. Durable Against the Elements

Standard tags are easily damaged by water, sunlight, dirt or any number of other things that mother nature can (and will) throw at them. With a Flap Tag, you have a durable plastic shield that protects your writing on the main tag from all of these harmful factors. That means your message lasts longer, which improves its safety effectiveness, and won’t need to be replaced as frequently. 

3. Chemical Resistant

Frequently tags are used to mark things in areas where various chemicals are used or stored. These chemicals can corrode and damage standard tags very quickly. A chemical-resistant, clear flap that protects the tag underneath keeps harmful chemicals away from the vital information written on the tag.

4. You Can Double Up

For those tags that need to go in particularly dirty or wet areas, you can even double up your protection with a two-sided Flap Tag or an Everclear dual-flap tag. The Everclear tags use a clear adhesive flap to protect your message from moisture, dirt and chemicals and add a second non-adhesive clear flap on top to keep the information clean and legible. Two-sided Flap Tags feature flaps on both sides to let you customize and protect messages on each side of the tag.

5. Customize for Unique Tags!

Flap Tags are customizable so you can create your own message, set your colors, or even add your branding logo or tagline to boost your company image while creating a safer work environment for your employees. 

Get Your Safety Message Across

Safety tags are an essential part of any comprehensive workplace safety program. Those tags, however, are only useful if you can read the information on them. When dirt, moisture, sunlight or chemicals render them illegible, their crucial safety message is lost and the consequence could be an accident leading to an employee injury or even fatality.

Flap Tags are a simple solution to a common safety problem. A minor investment to upgrade your safety tags, at least in your most environmentally difficult areas, will make you wonder why you haven’t been using them for years.

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