Make a Driving Survival Kit Before Traveling at Thanksgiving

Before you drive over the river and through the woods or anywhere else at Thanksgiving, make time to assemble a driving survival kit that can save you trouble – or even save your life. Some of these items apply to cold-weather areas, but many are relevant for driving anywhere, anytime. These recommendations come from the Minnesota Dept. of Public Safety.
Safety Kit Essentials:
Use a coffee can or similar container with a plastic lid to store the following items:
- Cell phone adapter to plug into lighter
- Large plastic garbage bag
- Pencil and paper
- Red bandanna or cloth
- Safety pins
- Small candles and matches
- Small, sharp knife and plastic spoons
- Whistle
- Plastic flashlight and spare batteries. Reverse batteries in the flashlight to avoid accidental switching and burnout. Warm batteries before using them.
Food Items for your Driving Kit:
Choose small packages of food that you can eat hot or cold.
- Canned soup, meat and poultry
- Chewing gum
- Food bars
- Miniature candy bars
- Raisins in small packets
- Semi-sweet chocolate in pieces for sharing
- Water
- Wrapped hard candies
Survival Kit Safety Items:
Store in the passenger compartment when severe winter weather threatens, in case the trunk becomes jammed or frozen shut.
- Basic tools
- Booster cables
- Road flares and reflectors
- Sand, cat litter or other grit in a plastic milk carton
- Shovel
- Sleeping bag or blankets
- Snowmobile suit and heavy boots
- Tow cables or chain
- 30-foot rope or cord to use as homing line if you must exit the vehicle
Winter Driving Resources:
- Read more on winter driving from the Minnesota Dept. of Public Safety.
- Download a Winter Car Survival Fact Sheet (pdf).
- Check a Consumer Reports article on safe driving tips for Thanksgiving travel.
- If you will be traveling with young children, check this post on car seat safety.
- Browse First Aid signs and labels.