Heat Safety Tips from OSHA
The combination of heat and humidity can be a serious health threat during the summer months. If you work outside or in a kitchen, laundry or bakery you may be at increased risk for heat related illness. Use these heat safety tips to take precautions against heat illness:
Heat Safety Tips:
– Drink small amounts of water often
– Wear light-colored, loose-fitting, breathable clothing – cotton is good
– Take frequent short breaks in cool shade
– Eat smaller meals before work activity
– Avoid caffeine and alcohol or large amounts of sugar
– Work in the shade
– Find out if your medications and heat don’t mix
– Know that equipment such as respirators or work suits can increase heat stress
Identify Three Heat-Related Illnesses:
There are three kinds of major heat-related disorders: heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. You need to know how to recognize each one and what first aid treatment is necessary.
Symptoms of Heat Exhaustion:
– Headache, dizziness, or fainting
– Weakness and wet skin
– Irritability or confusion
– Thirst, nausea or vomiting
Symptoms of Heat Stroke:
– May be confused, unable to think clearly, pass out, collapse or have seizures (fits)
– May stop sweating
These heat safety tips are key to working safely in high-temperature environments. Download the OSHA Heat Stress Quick Card (pdf) to learn more and help keep yourself – and your co-workers – safe when the heat is on.
Know The Signs Of Heat Exhaustion Bilingual Sign
Heat exhaustion and other heat related illnesses are big concerns in some work environments. Knowing the signs and how to take precautions against them can make all the difference.