California Updates Prop 65 Warning Signs & Labels


Beginning August 30, 2018, California requires updated Proposition 65 labels and signs. Under Prop 65, companies doing business or selling products in California are required to provide “clear and reasonable” warnings before knowingly exposing Californians to more than 800 chemicals the state has identified as hazardous. This warning can be given in several ways, including labeling a consumer product, posting signs at a workplace, distributing notices at a rental housing complex or publishing notices in a newspaper.

Most signs will now require a WARNING symbol (triangle with exclamation point) along with the word “WARNING” and an associated Prop 65 website address. In addition, updated Prop 65 signs will require specific chemical names and, in some cases, sources of exposure. Current signs don’t include the warning heading and symbol, and don’t require specific chemical or exposure information.

The California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (part of California EPA) publishes the official Prop 65 list of chemicals known by the state to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive hazards. The list contains a wide range of naturally occurring and synthetic chemicals. A business must use knowledge of its operations and the chemicals it uses to review the Proposition 65 list and determine whether its operations or products are likely to expose people in California to any listed chemicals. Depending on the level of exposure, the business may be required to provide a warning for those exposures.

HOW TO FIND THE PROP 65 SIGNS YOU NEED AT COMPLIANCESIGNS.COM has developed signs and labels to meet the new Proposition 65 signage requirements and now has them available on our store. We have created a special Prop 65 sign selection tool to help you select the new signs you need, quickly and easily. Before you begin, you will need to have certain information ready to assist you: chemical names and sources of exposure (if required). Our site will help you select signs by chemical name. Once you have your updated signs and labels, they can immediately replace the old versions and will be fully valid.


August 30, 2018, marked the implementation of updated California Proposition 65 labels and signs for more than 800 chemicals the state has identified as hazardous. A September, 2019 article in The National Law Review looks at Prop 65 litigation since then, and reports that notices for plastics and chemicals in food products have increased significantly. It also notes that, “Prop 65 private enforcement actions are likely increasing overall because of the profitability and ease of bringing actions.” Review the article.

Prop 65 Resources:

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