Free Reference Card Compares NFPA 704 Diamond and OSHA GHS labels
The NFPA has been working with OSHA over the past year to promote awareness of the differences between the NFPA andGHS hazard identification systems. It should be noted that OSHA does not necessarily see a conflict between HCS and NFPA 704. OSHA has indicated that the GHS numbers are not relative ratings of hazards but are used for the purpose of classifying hazards into categories for proper labeling and training information. The numbers for GHS will be placed on the SDS but are not required to be on labels.
Recently OSHA and NFPA worked together to develop a “Quick Card” showing the differences between the two systems. The Quick card can be found on the NFPA Document information page for NFPA 704 at the bottom of the page under “Additional Information”. Or you may go directly to the Quick Card. The card can be downloaded and laminated as a two sided document that can be used for easy field reference.
The NFPA Technical Committee on Classification will continue to assess the impact of GHS incorporation into OSHA’s HC2012 standard. In the meantime, there is no immediate plan to change the existing NFPA 704 system.
The Committee recognizes that the NFPA 704 consensus standard has been protecting emergency responders, employees, and the public for over 50 years and any changes would need to be carefully considered. For updates on NFPA 704 it is recommended that you sign up for email alerts on the top of the document information page for NFPA 704.