Safety Tips

Industrial worker with safety checklist

Workplace Safety Tips from ComplianceSigns will help you protect workers and achieve a safer, more compliant workplace. Scroll down to browse 10 years of safety tips we’ve published to help make your workplace a little safer – and your job a little easier.

Be Prepared for Cold Weather with These Tips

Whether you're working in the cold or just driving in it, you need to be aware of these winter safety tips. Holy Mackerel, it’s cold outside! If you’ve said these words already – you know it’s going to be a frigid winter. When you’re exposed to cold temperatures, your body begins to lose heat faster than it can be prod

Safety Tips

Kick Bad Habits out the Door with These Tips

No one wants to be like Homer from The Simpsons – kick those mindless habits out the door! Do you know a coworker that looks for shortcuts to get the job done or the person on the plant floor that forgets to wear eye protection time and time again? Or can you relate to this behavior and have developed lax safety habits

Safety Tips

Test Your Q&A Skills In Your Next Safety Meeting

Not everyone wants to field questions during or after a presentation, especially if the topic is controversial, such as a change in safety procedures. Sometimes a question-and-answer session - provided it’s handled properly - is the most effective way to encourage participation and engagement in your safety efforts. In

Safety Tips

Tips for Protecting Workers from Heat Stress

No matter where you live, the summer months are brutal. Heat, humidity, and longer periods of daylight mean hot work days and a greater risk for heat-related injuries. No wonder they call the summer months the dog days of summer. But work has to be done and workers in the construction, oil and gas, asbestos removal, pa

Safety Tips

How to Be a Safety Hero

Have you ever read the remarkably powerful Don Merrill poem about choosing to look the other way instead of seeking safety? In his poem he writes, “I could have saved a life that day, But I chose to look the other way, It wasn’t that I didn’t care, I had the time, I was there….”. Don’t let those words become your reali

Safety Tips

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