Resources for Workplace Eye Wellness Month

truck, man, PPE

Despite OSHA eye protection rules, more than 25,000 workplace eye injuries occurred in 2010 that required time away from work, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. To help reduce that number, Prevent Blindness America (PBA) has declared March “Workplace Eye Wellness Month” and provided new resources to help employers reduce the risk of sight-threatening workplace injuries.

PBA says 90 percent of all eye injuries can be prevented through proper eye protection. To help achieve that goal, PBA recently launched the Eye2Eye program to help safety directors build a network of employees who value on-site safety and are committed to peer education. With Eye2Eye, select employees complete a multimedia training program to become certified Eye2Eye Safety Ambassadors, a role designed to bridge the gap between safety managers and employees. The paid-membership program includes a peer-based, interactive curriculum and a community-oriented forum.

PBA also offers the Healthy Eyes Educational Series for lunch-and-learn presentations in office settings. It offers downloadable modules for formal presentations or informal one-on-one sessions. Each module includes a guide and slide show on a variety of eye health and safety topics. Related fact sheets are also available to use as handouts.

“We’ve worked with industry experts to put together the most comprehensive programs to help save sight in the workplace, and we encourage everyone to participate in protecting their eyes today,” said PBA President Hugh Parry.

Eye Wash Sign

For workplace Eye Wellness Month, there are many ways to promote eye health at your job. One of these avenues includes marking eye washing stations with signs, and practicing the routes to eye washers in the event of reduced visibility.